Who We Are
We are the children of the ancient Anatolian lands where wheat was produced for the first time about 10,000 years ago and thus the agricultural revolution took place. We are the inheritors of Çatalhöyük where turned wheat into delicious flavors by combining it with fire, and laid the foundations of today’s bakery products.
With the aim of producing the most natural and delicious cookies in the world, our brand story started in Konya in 1993. With our approach of production that prioritizes customer satisfaction, product safety and quality, and focuses on R&D and innovation, we are growing day by day, and moving forward in achieving the goal to spread our cookies consisting of unique tastes of Anatolia throughout the world.
The Largest Cookie
Productıon Facılıty ın the Regıon
Strong financial structure, production approach that priotirizies quality and product safety, and planned growth model have made us one of the largest cookie production facility in Turkey in terms of installed capacity.
Women’s employment is one of the areas of great importance for us and thus 60% of the total employment consists of women. This rate is above the world average.

Safe Food
Safe Future
Our sensitive policy on quality and product safety, which is the most important axis of food production, has been certified with the Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000), TSE 9001-2015 Quality Management System, and TSE 22000-2018 Food Safety Management System. We are constantly working on new certification in this area.
In our brand story, which extends from ancient lands to unforgettable tastes; with our production sensitivity, our quality policy and our vision for the future